INR - INCHICORE NEWS ROUND - Inchicore's and Kilmainham's very own news service.

W/c  24th April, 2023
Dublin City Council South Central Area Office now invites applications to the Shopfront Improvement Scheme 2023.

The scheme is open to businesses and commercial premises across the South West Inner City areas of The Liberties, Kilmainham, Inchicore, Dolphin’s Barn, Rialto and Clanbrassil Street-SCR. The scheme offers support funding for projects to refurbish or renew shopfronts, as well as certain works to upper floors within the Thomas Street & Environs Architectural Conservation Area which help to protect and conserve heritage features. Shopfront ‘greening’ is also encouraged, as are measures to improve access for all to shops and premises.

Qualifying works include:

  • Painting and redecorating an existing shopfront
  • Repair, decluttering, greening and general enhancement of shop and building fronts
  • Certain works to the upper floors of buildings such as sash or timber window repair, rainwater goods repair
  • Removal of high-level signage and redundant signage (first floor and above and protecting signs)
  • Installation of new shopfronts or material changes to existing frontages (subject to planning permission)

Applications are now invited until 26th May 2023. Awards are made subject to available funds. Details of the Scheme and an Application Form are included below. Further details on the scheme are available from or telephone (01) 222 5180 or 083 1949009.

Culture Date with Dublin 8 is taking place on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May and Dublin 8 will come alive with over 50+ free events, exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, outdoor cinema, performances, family activities and much more in all of your favourite Dublin 8 venues, museums, parks, breweries and cultural amenities!

The full programme is now available to view online at

Now in its 5th year, the Festival introduces some new faces this year including local community groups, D8-based studios, some well-known pubs and venues and more of the area’s premier visitor attractions. The eclectic programme includes tours of many of the area’s most historic sights and buildings such as the cathedrals and Kilmainham Gaol, music and performance across parks and local venues, a special Twilight Flea Market at The Digital Hub, the chance to experience all the competitive fun of the Trinity Regatta on the Liffey at Islandbridge, the great outdoors of the Phoenix Park and much more.

This year, the festival will also commemorate 100 years since the end of the Irish Civil War with a unique festival programming strand that reflects upon this emotional milestone in Irish history.

All events are FREE however ticket booking may be required and the Festival team ask that, as some events have strict capacity you only book in for events you can attend. 

If you have news or want anything included in INR, Inchicore News Round, contact Total Country via twitter @totalcountryfm e-mail or via text on 089 499 1012.

So that’s it from INR for the time being, we’ll be back soon on Total Country – Country to the ‘Core.